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A/V Instructions for Elementary Buildings

presenters There are many On/Off Switches on this rack. They are labeled numerically, which will be used to tell you the order they are turned on and off respectively. If the switch does not have a label marked in White tape and black Sharpie, you should not have to touch it to get the system working.


#1 Switch: Main Power. This powers on all the devices in the rack that are not the amplifiers. I.e. Sound Mixer, Apple TV, DVD Players, CD Players/Bluetooth receivers

#2 Switch: Amplifiers. These go on after the Mixer is powered to maintain the health of the speakers.

#3 Microphones: This rack has Wireless Microphones in the drawer inside of the rack. They are labeled 1 and 2. There is a power button on the microphone that must be held down to be turned on. If you press it again while the Microphone is on, it will turn red meaning your mic is muted. Green means sound. Red means no sound.

#4 Dials: Dials should not go higher than the 9 o’clock position. These control the actual sound that comes through the microphone into the amps and out the speakers. They have been set to a default setting that should work for you. Dial 1 will control Wireless Mic 1, and Dial 2 Wireless Mic 2. If there are dials labeled ‘Stage Mic’ they control the wired connections in the front of the stage. These dials are labeled in the Left → Right order the same as if you were looking at the stage from the audience. There will also be Dials for ‘Projector’ and ‘Bluetooth’

#5 Remote: There is a remote for the projector in the same drawer as the Wireless Mics. This turns on the projector, controls its volume, and can switch the input. You will have more success changing projector volume with the Dial than the remote. The Apple TV will connect to the projector as soon as you try to ‘Screen Mirror’ using the switch menu on the top right of your laptop’s menu bar (near the date). If you are trying to use the projector with an HDMI or VGA input, use the ports on the front of the stage, or the Elmo that is connected to the ports.

#5 Remote: Make sure the Projector is turned off. This will not happen automatically when you turn off the main power. It needs to be done via the remote.

#4 Dials: These are just levels to control volume. They can stay where they are.

#3 Microphones: If you were using a Wireless Mic, it needs to be turned off by holding the power button on the microphone. The LED screen will go dark. If you were using a Wired Mic, it needs to be unplugged from the stage and from itself and put back into the box near the rack. The wire should be coiled and hung up on the hook next to the rack.

#2 Amps: The Amps need to be turned off before the Main Switch. Otherwise, the speakers will pop, and that will damage the whole system.

#1 Main Switch: This should be the very last thing to get turned off. It will shut down all of the media devices in the room excluding the Projector. Make sure everything is put away and the rack door is closed.

-If your Apple TV or any other devices are not turning on, make sure they are powered on with the Main Switch labeled 1. If it’s the projector, you have to use the remote.

-If your devices are not producing audio, make sure the Amps (2) are turned on and the respective Dial (4) is turned up. It does not have to point straight up at the 12 o’clock position, but it can’t be all the way down.

-Make sure your Wireless Mic is not muted. The light should be Green, not Red.

If you have issues that are not covered by the documentation please visit the Helpdesk.

  • selfhelp/avinstructions/elementaryschools.1738244301.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2025/01/30 13:38
  • by ronove