===== Apple Classroom Troubleshooting ===== ==== Teacher Perspective(Mac) ==== === Signing in to Apple ID === Teachers must be signed into their Apple ID. If you are not, please follow these instructions [[https://wiki.spfk12.org/doku.php?id=selfhelp:mac:applications:appleclassroom#teacher_perspective_ipad|here.]]\\ {{:selfhelp:mac:applications:appleclassroom_troubleshoot_signedin.png?500|}}\\ === Make Sure You Are On the Correct WiFi === Make sure you are connected to the **SPFStaff** network, not spfbyd. You can change WiFi networks by going to Systems Settings > Wi-Fi > SPFStaff .\\ {{:selfhelp:mac:applications:appleclassroom_troubleshoot_wifi.png?500|}}\\ === Make Sure Bluetooth is On === Make sure Bluetooth is enabled. Go to Systems Settings > Bluetooth > Toggle it on .\\ {{:selfhelp:mac:applications:appleclassroom_troubleshoot_bluetooth.png?500|}}\\ === Classes Are Not Loading=== If your classes are not loading or all of the iPads appear to be offline, sign out of your Apple ID and back in. This can be done from Systems Settings > Apple Account > Sign out (Sometimes this may need to be done twice).\\ {{:selfhelp:mac:applications:appleclassroom_troubleshoot_classes.png?500|}}\\ {{:selfhelp:mac:applications:appleclassroom_troubleshoot_devices.png?500|}}\\ Once you are signed in you should see the classes you have rostered in PowerSchool.\\ {{:selfhelp:mac:applications:aClassroomT-07.png?500|}}\\ ==== Student Perspective(iPad) ==== ===Signing in to Apple ID=== Students must be signed into their Apple ID. If they are not please follow the instructions [[https://wiki.spfk12.org/doku.php?id=selfhelp:mac:applications:appleclassroom#student_perspective_ipad|here.]]\\ {{:selfhelp:mac:applications:appleclassroom_troubleshoot_signedin_iPad.png?500|}}\\ === Make Sure the iPad is on the Correct WiFi === Student iPads must be connected to the **spfstudents** network, not spfbyod. If you need to change networks, go to Settings>General > Wi-Fi > spfstudents .\\ {{:selfhelp:mac:applications:appleclassroom_troubleshoot_wifi_iPad.png?500|}}\\ === Make Sure Bluetooth is On === Student iPads need to have bluetooth enabled. This can be turned on from Settings > Bluetooth > Toggle it on .\\ {{:selfhelp:mac:applications:appleclassroom_troubleshoot_bluetooth_iPad.png?500|}}\\ ===== Next Steps ===== To learn more about Apple Classroom and how to use it, see Apple's documentation [[https://support.apple.com/guide/classroom/welcome/web|here.]] ---- If you have issues that are not covered by the documentation please visit the [[https://help.spfk12.org|Helpdesk]].